This is my fully independent Mini Micro Scooter Review. This review is not motivated by freebies or any other bribe from the Mini Micro Scooter company – I currently have 3 of these scooters in my house (2 blue and 1 pink) and I am sad to say that I had to pay for them like everyone else!
Having tested them thoroughly (via my kids), I firmly believe that they are the best scooter for toddlers currently available on the market and if you read on you will find out why.
These scooters are for kids under 6 years of age or so. If you are looking for a scooter for an older child, you can read my Review of the Micro Sprite Kick Scooter here and my Review of the Micro Maxi Kick Scooter here.
Buy Cheap, Pay Twice
I have no idea where this saying originates from, but it sums up perfectly my experience of buying scooters for toddlers. I thought that all scooters were pretty much the same and I found a couple of cheap ones for my twin boys when they were aged about 2 years.
I bought 2 of the Ozbozz Cosmic Light Flashing Deck Scooters because they were relatively cheap at about £20, the user reviews were pretty good and they had flashing lights! What more could you ask for?
This was a big big mistake. It didn’t matter how many time we took the boys to the park to try them out, they just couldn’t get the hang of them. They wobbled, they swerved all over the place and they just kept falling off. Initially, I just assumed that my boys were just not naturally gifted scooter riders and that all they needed was more and more practice. I was wrong. After about 3-4 months of practice, they still couldn’t use them and they eventually got so fed up that they no longer even wanted to try.
… and so they ended up in the garage with the rest of the abandoned junk that tends to clutter family homes.
It seemed to me that the problem with these scooters are:
- there is only one wheel at the front, which makes steering very difficult for toddlers;
- the handlebars need to be steered like a bicycle or normal adult scooter, which toddlers find difficult;
- they have a very narrow wheelbase at the back, which makes them unstable and difficult for toddlers to keep upright
The Mini Micro Scooters to the Rescue
I couldn’t help noticing that the local park was filled with kids much younger than my boys happily scooting around on these rather attractive looking scooters, which had 2 wheels at the front (instead of the back) and were apparently steered by the kids leaning from side to side (see image on the right).
This made me re-think my “the boys are just not good at scooting theory” – perhaps they were just being held back by badly designed scooters?
So, since their birthdays were fast approaching, I decided to buy 2 of these Mini Micro Scooters in Blue.
I can honestly say that within a week or so of using these new scooters, the boys were happily zooming around like Pros and I was left with very mixed emotions – delighted that they were finally enjoying the thrill of scooter riding, but feeling rather guilty about the fact that I had inflicted the vastly inferior Ozbozz machines on them for a few months and also written them off as “scooter-challenged”!
Not only are they great scooters, but they are also very strong and durable. Despite over a year of hard use, they work as well as when I first bought them.
They get excellent user reviews.
Click here for the US user reviews.
Why are these scooters so good?
I think that the combination of a wide front wheel base and the “leaning” steering mechanism makes them much easier for toddlers to control than other types of scooter. The wheels also run very smoothly and the rear foot brake is very easy to operate and bring them to a halt pretty quickly.
I was so impressed with them that I ended up buying one for my 2 year old daughter as well.
By the time I finally got around to buying Mini Micro Scooters for the boys, they were big enough to go straight onto the T-Bar version shown in the image above.
However, since my daughter had only just turned 2 years of age, I bought her the version that comes with an “O Bar” and “Seat”.
This version means that the scooter can grow with your toddler as they get bigger and more confident. It has 3 stages:
- sitting on the seat with the O-Bar;
- standing on the deck with the O-Bar;
- Standing on the deck with the replacement T-Bar (supplied in box).
It is extremely easy to change the seating / handlebar arrangements – you simply click one out and replace it with the other.
This version gets some of the best user reviews that I have ever seen in relation to any product.
Click here for the US user reviews.
Lots of Funky Colour Options
These look pretty cool to my eyes (and more importantly the eyes of my kids).
However, if you want to spend a little more, there are also some extra funky “Limited Edition” options available.
Watch this Cool 2 Year Old in Action
Where to Buy the Mini Micro Scooter
Check Price of the T-Bar Version here
Check Price of the O-Bar Version here
Where to Buy the Mini Micro Scooters in the USA
Check Price of the T-Bar Mini Micro Scooter
Check Price of the O-Bar (3 in 1) Version
They Make Great Helmets Too
The Micro Scooter Company also make great scooter helmets.
Click here to read my full review of the Micro Safety Helmet Range.
Further Information
If you have any feedback or questions about my Mini Micro Scooter Review, or simply want to suggest an alternative for the “Best Scooter for Toddlers” title, please leave a comment in the box below or send an email to
thanks for your article. Getting one for my kids 😀